Wherever we go, we used to find some one asking us: sir, do you remember me? To our attempt to remember who the person is, he/she used to tell us, 'I belong to Kakkadampoil or Mysore Mala or Paikkadan Mala where you and your students constructed a road in the NSS camp'. Around 60 Kilometers of road in the neighbouring panchayaths during the 24 years of NSS activity may be sufficient for some one to identify the programme officer and the College and acknowledge the benefits that they have received because of the camp.
Ever since Indian independence, there has been growing awareness of the desirability of involving students in the National Service. As a result of the recommendations of various study groups, such as, Kothari commission, Deshmukh committee, Prof. Saidein committee, etc., the National Service Scheme was implemented in the birth centenary year of Mahatma Gandhi, that is, 1969.
National Service Scheme is an extra-curricular and educative community service programme sponsored by the Govt. of India. The objectives of National Service Scheme are to arouse in the volunteers a social conscience and to provide them with opportunity:-
1) to work with and among people -
2) to engage in creative and constructive social action.
3) to enhance his/her knowledge of himself/herself and the community.
4) to put his/her scholarship to practical use in mitigating at least some of the social problems.
5) to gain skills in the exercise of democratic leadership; to gain skills in programme development to enable him/her for selfemployment;
6) to bridge the gulf between the educated and the uneducated masses and
7) to promote the will to serve the weaker sections of the community.
Muhammed Abdurahiman Memorial Orphanage College has gained its reputation by setting its foot print both in the academic and in the non- academic arena. While winning academic excellence in the forms of ranks, cent percent results, etc., the non-academic performance of various forums in the college, such as, National Service Scheme have added golden feathers to its cap.
The National Service Scheme started in the college in the year 1984 by introducing two units (Units 101 and 111) with 200 volunteers. Since then, it is through National Service Scheme that the College has set its solid footing in the society around, both by planning and implementing social welfare programmes and by establishing rapport with the community. At present there are three NSS units, having strength of 300 volunteers making at least 50 percent of the students of the College socially oriented.
There are absolutely no areas of social service where NSS do not intervene. From saving the life of many a patients by donating blood, to the cleaning the epidemic prone environment and protect the society from many a contagious diseases, from actively participating in the "Agathy Punaridhivasa" programme of the Mukkom Grama Panchayath (a programme to rehabilitate destitutes), to the construction of houses for the three homeless families, from construction of a "Thadayana" across Cherupuzha river and redressing the drinking water problem of around 100 families, to the construction of around 60 kilo meters of road in the special camps during its life period, NSS could establish its supreme
role compared to any other agency, in being with the common people and the downtrodden .