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M.Sc Mathematics

 Duration   4 Semesters




 B.Sc Degree in Mathematics or an equivalent degree with at least 50% marks or equivalent grade in Core and at least 50% marks or equivalent grade in Part III (Core and Complementary put together).

In the case of those students having a B.Sc degree or B.Sc honours degree equivalent to the B.Sc Mathematics Degree of the Calicut University without complementary papers need only to secure at least 50 % marks in the core and electives put together( if there is/are any elective paper/papers). OBC/OEC candidates are eligible to relaxation up to 5%. SC/ST candidates need only to get a pass.

 Intake  15
 Syllabus    2019 Admission onwards


Learning Resources

MTH1C04 Discrete Mathematics (Documents) (Videos)

MTH2C06 Algebra II (Videos)

MTH3C13 Functional Analysis (Documents) (Videos)