Saju K. John, Daughty John, Bijoy N., Raghu Chathanathodi and Aji A. Anappara, Magnesium Diboride: An Effective Light-to-Heat Conversion Material in Solid-State, Applied Physics Letters, ISSN 10773118, 000369512017. Available at (Scopus).
Ajmal Mueen M. A., Mappila Matrilineal System in Kerala, Journal de Brahmavart, ISSN 2394- 63262017. Available at,(49-56).pdf (Peer Reviewed).
Ajmal Mueen M. A., A Peep into Mappila Diaspora in Malabar, International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, ISSN 2349-51382017. Available at (Peer Reviewed).
Muhammed Jaffer.V, Muhammed Unais and Shahida.P.P, A study on Relationship Between Gold &SilverSpot Market Pices, International Journal of Applied Financial Management Perspectives, ISSN 2279-08962017. Available at Not Available (Peer Reviewed).
Mumthas P. K, Aliphile' Penvinimayangal, Malayala Vimarsham, ISSN 2349-92302017. Available at Not Available (Peer Reviewed).
Daughty John, Raghu Chatanathodi., Hydrogen Adsorption on Alkali Metal Decorated Blue PhosphoreneNanosheets., Applied Surface Science, , ISSN 0169-43322018. Available at (Scopus).
Saheer Cheemadan and M C Santhosh Kumar, Effect of substrate temperature and oxygen partial pressure on RF sputtered NiO thin films, Materials Research Express, ISSN 2053-15912018. Available at (Scopus Indexed).
Ajmal Mueen M. A., Historic Roots of Islamic Revival And Muslim Reformism In Kerala, International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, ISSN 2349-51382018. Available at (Peer Reviewed).
Ajmal Mueen M. A., Muslim Women and Traditional Medicinal Practices in Malabar, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, ISSN 2349-51622018. Available at (Peer Reviewed).
Mumthas P. K., Puthoor Amina: Mappilappattile Sthrainakarthruthwam, Malabar Research Manual, ISSN 2320-9472018. Available at Not Available (Peer Reviewed).
Mumthas P. K., Muslim Sthree Swathwavum Ezhuthum : 'Akashabhoomikalude Thakkolil', Sahithyalokam, ISSN 2319-32632018. Available at Not Available (Peer Reviewed).
Daughty John, Bijoy Nharangatt and Raghu Chatanathodi, Stabilizing Honeycomb Borophene by Beryllium Decoration: A Computational Study, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, ISSN 2050-7526,2050-75342019. Available at (Scopus).
Dr. Saheer Cheemadan, Biocidal Properties of Sputtered Cdo:Zno Multi-Component Thin Films for Potential Use in Pathogenic Bacteria Control, Mater. Res. Express (IOP), ISSN 2053-15912019. Available at (UGC Care List/SCI indexed).
Ramesh K, Dr. K Ramesh Kumar, A Study on Consumers Satisfaction Towards Online Shopping With Special Focus on Delivery of Product, IJRAR - International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, ISSN E-ISSN 2348-1269, 2349-5138(print) ,2019. Available at (Peer Reviewed).
Hanna Thasneem, Human Identity in Biopunk: An Analysis of Kazuo Ishiguro's Novel " Never Let Me Go", Parishod Journal, ISSN 2347-66482020. Available at (UGC Care List).
Dr. Ajmal Mueen, Reforming Muslim Women and The Question of Women Entry to Masjid; The Malabar Experience, Parishodh Journal, ISSN 2347-66482020. Available at (UGC Care List).
Dr.Saheer Cheemadan & Dr.S.Krishnaraj, Synthesis and Characterization of New Magnetic Materials Eu0.5La0.5Fe2Sb2 and EuFe1.2Ni0.2Sb2, Sambodhi, ISSN 2249-66612020. Available at (UGC Care List).
Jun Chena, Dan-Na Wanga, Arun Ramachandran,b, Satheesh Chandranc, Mingzhi Li a, Ravi Varma b, An Open-Path Dual-Beam Laser Spectrometer for Path-Integrated Urban NO2 Sensing, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, ISSN 0924-42472020. Available at (UGC Care List).
Amna Anu P. V , Fidha B , Janna K , Mufeeda, Shadiya T , Rukkiyya V. P, Dr. Abbas T. P, A Comparative Study of Effectiveness of Image Denoising Using Spatial Low Pass Smoothing Linear & Non Linear Filters, International journal of Advances in Engineering and Management(IJAEM), ISSN 2395-52522020. Available at (Peer Reviewed).
Ramesh K, Najiya AK, Amjad AK, A study on Impact of Social Media on Consumer Buying Behaviour, IJRAR - International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, ISSN E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138 , 2020. Available at (Peer Reviewed).
Ajmal Mueen M. A., Reforming Muslim Women and the Question of Women Entry to Masjid; The Malabar Experience, Parishod Journal, ISSN 2347-66482020. Available at (Peer Reviewed).
Jesbira M, Massive Open Online Course and Libraries, Re-inventing the Role of Libraries in Digital Scenario, ISSN 978-81-935852-2-12020. Available at (Peer Reviewed).
Ramesh K, Soumya Mole EG, A Study on Customers Attitude Towards Online Food App Services, IJRAR - International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, ISSN E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138 ,2020. Available at (Peer Reviewed).
DaughtyJohn, BijoyNharangatt, SrihariMadhav Kastuara and RaghuChatanathodi, Blue Phosphorene Nanosheets with Point Defects: Electronic Structure and Hydrogen Storage Capability, Applied Surface Science, ISSN 0169-43322021. Available at (Scopus).
K.M. Shafi, K. Muhammed Shibu, N.K. Sulfikarali, K.P. Biju, Sol-Gel Processed ZrO2 Based Forming-Free Resistive Switching Memory Devices, Materials Science Forum, ISSN 978-3-0357-1268-12021. Available at (Scopus Indexed).
Dr. Ajmal Mueen, 1921; Arekodum Parisarapradeshangalilum Nadanna Porattangal, Ishal Paithrkam, Peer Reviewed International Journal,, ISSN 2582-550X2021. Available at (UGC Care List).
Dr. Ajmal Mueen, Educating the Marginalised Muslim Girls; The Kerala Experience, Kanpur Philosophers, ISSN 2348-83012021. Available at (UGC Care List).
Dr. Ajmal Mueen, Mappila Women and Traditional Education System, Kanpur Philosophers, ISSN 2348-83012021. Available at,_Issue_1_2021.pdf (UGC Care List).
R.R. Arun,P. Anoop, S. John,J. Chen,V. Deepa,R. Varma, Atmospheric Aerosol Scattering Coefficients in a Broad Visible Spectral Region, Aerosol Science and Engineering, ISSN 2510375X, 251037682021. Available at (UGC Care List).
Shebin John, Meng WangJun Chen, Anoop PakkatilYingying Du, Jialuo ZhangArun Ramachandran, Aiswarya Saseendran, Arun P. Thomas, Deepa Viswanathan, Claudio Mazzoleni and Ravi Varma, A Broadband Cavity-Enhanced Spectrometer for Atmospheric Aerosol Light Extinction Measurements , Aerosol Science and Technology, ISSN 1521-73882021. Available at (UGC Care List).
Hanna Thasneem, Treatment of Nationality in Amitav Goshs's the Shadow Lines, Kanpur Philosophers, ISSN 2348-83012021. Available at,_Issue_1_2021.pdf (UGC Care List).
Aboobakar K, Issues, Challenges and Prospects for Retailing in India for Global Competitiveness, International Academic And Research Consortium (IARC), ISSN 2708-51472021. Available at (Peer Reviewed).