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About IQAC

The Internal  Quality  Assurance  Cell  (IQAC) is the internal  quality  assurance  mechanism  of  the  College.    The   IQAC   plans,   guides   and   monitors   Quality   Assurance   (QA)   and   Quality   Enhancement (QE) activities of the College. The IQAC of the College channelizes and systematizes the efforts and measures of the College towards academic excellence. The IQAC is the facilitative and participative organ of the College.  The IQAC of the College continues to function as a driving force for ushering in quality by working out intervention strategies to remove deficiencies and enhance quality.


The IQAC functions under the Chairmanship of the Principal with heads of important academic and administrative units and a few teachers and a few distinguished educationists and representatives of the College Management and other stakeholders. The following is the general composition of the IQAC of the College: Chairperson: Principal, Three to eight teachers, Office Superintendent , One member from the College Management, One/two nominees from Local Society, Students and Alumni, One/two nominees from Employers/Industrialists/stakeholders, and One of the senior teachers as the Coordinator of the IQAC.


The IQAC is the principal internal quality assurance mechanism of the College and shall, in addition to all other powers and duties vested in it, has the following powers and duties viz.,

  • Prepare and implement action plan to implement NAAC Peer Team recommendations received by the College during the last accreditation process.
  • Development and application of quality benchmarks/parameters for the various Academic and Administrative activities for quality assurance.
  • Review the teaching, learning process, structure and methodology of operations and learning outcome of all the programmes at periodic intervals
  • Organising Workshops, Seminars and Special lectures on quality related themes as well as promotion of Quality Circles.
  • Organization of Annual Induction Programmes for freshers.
  • Conducting Orientation and Training Programmes for Outcome based Education
  • Introduction of Certificate, Vocational and Skill Programmes for equipping skill based competencies for Employability and Entrepreneurship
  • Structured Counselling and Leadership programmes for the College Students Union
  • Ensuring maximum utilization of infrastructural facilities and the available ICT resources.
  • Ensuring the proper implementation of academic calendar.
  • Documentation of the various programmes/activities leading to quality improvement
  • Administering feedback mechanism for the Institution from various Stakeholders
  • Conducting Academic Administrative Audit (AAA) and Curricular Audit annually.
  • Conducting Green Auditing of the Campus.
  • Prepare and implement action plan for improvement of automation of the College Library and administrative facilities.
  • Prepare and implement action plan for strengthening of Library.
  • Prepare and implement action plan for improvement in student supports systems.
  • Prepare and implement action plan for extension and upgradation of Classrooms and Laboratories.
  • Prepare and implement action plan to inculcate ICT based Teaching-learning process
  • Timely submission of AQAR of the College to NAAC
  • Actively participate and interact in the Review Meetings of the Departments by offering suggestions and creating quality consciousness
  • Effective skill learning, inculcation of values and promotion of research culture for quality enhancement
  • Actively involving in all academic exercises to achieve Academic Excellence.
  • Preparing the College to face the Accreditation, Assessment and Ranking by National Assessment Accreditation Council (NAAC), State   Assessment Accreditation Council (SAAC), National Institutional Ranking Frame (NIRF), etc.
  • Dissemination of information through National Survey on Higher Education, All India Survey on Higher Education (AISHE) initiated by Ministry of Human Resource Development and similar survey the state government.
  • Monitor the well-being of the College in all respects.